A good night’s sleep has a lot to do with how you function in your life. The quality of sleep directly influences your energy levels, body activity as well as internal functioning of the organs. If you aren’t sleeping well, you need to work on your sleeping schedules and ensure that you sleep like a baby at least for 7-8 hours a day.
So, how do you ensure a high-quality sleeping schedule? As much as experts recommend to have a good night’s sleep, there are several factors that affect your sleep cycles and quality of sleep. You need to work against these factors to achieve the best results and enjoy the benefits of quality sleep.
Here are a few tips on how you can maintain the right sleep schedule:
Don’t: avoid consuming caffeinated drinks like coffee, tea or colas at least 6 hours before bedtime, caffeine can affect the brain cells and make you lose your sleep for several hours.
Do: Include a soothing, non-caffeinated drink in your nighttime schedule. Herbal teas like Chamomile, Hibiscus tea, Pomegranate tea and more are soothing and refresh your mind to have a peaceful sleep.
Don’t: Avoid taking naps during the day if you are not indulged in a heavily tiring job. Sleeping during the day can make you less sleepy during the night because of limited energy consumption.
Do: stay active and indulge in exercises and workouts to ensure you burn enough energy to feel drained until bedtime. This will influence your body to sleep peacefully.

Don’t: Quit using your mobile phone before bedtime. The blue light hinders your sleep cycle significantly.
Do: Instead, of exposing your eyes to the blue light, try reading a book or writing a journal. This will calm your thoughts and induce sleep. You can also try warming up bedtime rituals such as taking a warm bath before bed or lighting some aromatic candles.

Don’t: Do not hit the bed randomly, rather develop a time to go to the bed. You must know your sleep pattern.
Do: Track your sleep cycle and find out the shortcomings, see when you wake up abruptly during the night or when you sleep like a baby.
If you are able to achieve great sleeping habits, you can get rid of half of your physiological, mental and emotional problems. So, start working on developing a sleep schedule and enjoy the results.